Calico Plains Chords by Matraca Berg

Chords Info

  • Tuning: Standard(E A D G B E)
  • Key: B
  • Chords: A, D, C, E, Em, Bm, G
  • BPM: 98
  • Suggested Strumming: D DU D DU
  • D= Down Stroke, U = Upstroke, N.C= No Chord
Guitar ChordsUkulele Chords
 A – x02220
D – xx0232
C – x32010
E – 022100
Em – 022000
Bm – x24432
G – 320003
  A – 2100
D – 2220
C – 0003
E – 1402
Em – 0402
Bm – 4222
G – 0232
Calico Plains

Track Info

A [Verse]
A Sweet Abilena looked out

at the midwestern sky
A Sweet seventeen with

a far away look in her eyes
D She said "I feel like
a bird in a cage
D "But come September
I'm flying away."
A I said "I'll miss you," then

I made her promise to write
E Since we were tall as

the corn in the spring
D We shared every secret,

shared every dream
E So anxious to grow in

the new summer rain
C And bloom like a rose on
the calico plains
A How could she hear as

we laughed on that long summer night
A The tiny heart of the baby

she carried inside
D I stood beside her
when September came
D Watched her get married,
then caught the bouquet
A And like those hand-me-down

dresses she gave me
A I made her dreams mine [Chorus]
E From a seat by the window

on wings made of steel
D I stared at the patchwork

over the fields
E Where young tears that

once flowed like warm summer rain
C Were turning to snow on
the calico plains
Em D C Bm A
Em D C G D A
A Sweet Abilena looks out

at the midwestern sky
A Closer to thirty,

but farther away in her eyes
D She holds her babies like
she holds her dreams
D Each night she kisses and
rocks them to sleep
A While she reads the letters

she makes me promise to write
A Sweet Abilena looks out at
Em A
the midwestern sky

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