Gentleman Chords by Mckenna Grace

On the 3rd of May 2024, the track was released. The track was written by Mckenna Grace, CAL& Kella Armitage.

Chords Info

  • Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)
  • Chords: A, G, D
  • Suggested Strumming:
  • D= Down Stroke, U = Upstroke, N.C= No Chord
Guitar ChordsUkulele Chords
 A – x02220
G – 320003
D – xx0232
  A – 2100
G – 0232
D – 2220
D [Verse]
A Listening to your old CD's in your

old gray truck and
I'm not so quick to trust
D But your green eyes make me blush A Late nights and the midnight

sky on the Holden drive
G D And I think it might be love or close enough [Pre-Chorus]
A And I start to think

you're heaven sent
G God must be picking favorites,
how are you this perfect?
A Guess I'm not used to gentlemen G And I know it's just the basics D But I love the way that you [Chorus]
A Pick me up, hold the door,

say I'm yours and

then hold my hand in public
G Drive an hour, buy me flowers,
kiss me now cause you know

I freaking love it
A Fix my hair, the little things

that show you care
G No, I'm not used to such a gentleman D I think I love a gentleman [Verse]
A LA when the night gets cold

and I wear your coat
G 'Cause you said it's mine to keep
and it looks so good on me
A Picnic on a sunset beach

for the first date please
G I think it might be love,

or at least that's
what it seems
A And I start to think

you're heaven sent
G God must be picking favorites,
how are you this perfect?
A Guess I'm not used to gentlemen G And I know it's just the basics D But I love the way that you [Chorus]
A Pick me up, hold the door,

say I'm yours and

then hold my hand in public
G Drive an hour, buy me flowers,
kiss me now cause you know

I freaking love it
A Fix my hair, the little things

that show you care
G No, I'm not used to such a gentleman D I think I love a gentleman [Bridge]
A The way you're kissin' my lips In the rain, think I'm dying G Like some dull cliché D But you know that I like it A They say chivalry is dead But I think you revived it G So classic, it's magic,
I'm crazy for the way you
A Pick me up, hold the door, say

I'm yours and then

hold my hand in public
G Drive an hour, buy me flowers,
kiss me now cause you know

I freaking love it
A Fix my hair,

the little things

that show you care
No, I'm not used to
such a gentleman
D A I think I love a gentleman

Track Info

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