In The Fullness Of Time Chords by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa

On the 17th of November 2023, the track was released. The track was written by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa.

Chords Info

  • Tuning: Standard(E A D G B E)
  • Key: D
  • Chords: D, G, Bm, A, E, Ddim
  • BPM: 85
  • Suggested Strumming:
  • D= Down Stroke, U = Upstroke, N.C= No Chord
Guitar ChordsUkulele Chords
 D – xx0232
G – 320003
A – x02220
Bm – x24432
E – 022100
Ddim – xx0131
  D – 2220
G – 0232
A – 2100
Bm – 4222
E – 1402
Ddim –
In the Fullness of Time

Track Info

D In the fullness of time God G sent His Son D Immanuel,
now behold incarnate Love
Bm G A virgin and her child, D G A Savior meek and mild D G The star become the sign G A D in the fullness of time [Verse]
D Prophets long they foretold G the promised dawn D Hail God of God, Light of Light, G begotten One Bm G By Whom all things were made, D G there in a manger laid D G Now born to us this night G A D in the fullness of time [Chorus]
G D Holy, holy, holy moment G A God has come to dwell with-- us G G Glory to the Lamb, the great
D Bm A G
I Am who came
G D On that night divine G A D In the fullness of time [Verse]
D Hosts of angels resounded G at His birth D And hosts of angels will endless G tell His worth Bm G And He shall come a-gain, D G His kingdom has no end D G All things made new, made right G A D in the fullness of time [Chorus]
G D Holy, holy, holy moment G A God has come to dwell with-- us G G Glory to the Lamb, the great
D Bm A G
I Am who came
G D On that night divine G A D In the fullness of time [Instrumental]
D G D G D G D G [Chorus]
G D Holy, holy, holy moment G A God has come to dwell with-- us G Glory to the Lamb,
G D Bm
the great I Am--
G D Holy, holy, holy moment G A God has come to dwell with-- us G G Glory to the Lamb, the great
D Bm A G
I Am who came
G D On that night divine G A G D In the fullness of time (Born to us this night) G A G D In the fullness of time
(The star became the sign) G A D In the fullness of time [Ending]
D Holy, holy, holy G D In a manger lowly A Bm A Christ the Son now veiled in flesh D E A In our humanity D Kingdoms bow before Him G D Heav’n and earth a-dore Him Bm G Ddim God here in person G A D Hail His majesty

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