The Right Kind Of Woman Chords by Dean Martin

Chords Info

  • Tuning: Standard(E A D G B E)
  • Key: E
  • Chords: E7, A, E, A7, D, C#, F#m, B7
  • BPM: 128
  • Suggested Strumming:
  • D= Down Stroke, U = Upstroke, N.C= No Chord
The Right Kind Of Woman

Track Info

E7 A [Verse]
A I could really get back

in the style
And greet every day with a smile Life would really be

something worthwhile
E With the right kind of woman [Verse]
E7 I could walk out on
life′s battlefield
And make all of
my enemies yield
E7 E With a hug and a kiss for a shield A For the right kind of woman [Verse]
A I would keep

every tear from her eye
There is nothing that

I wouldn't try
I would pull down

the stars from the sky
E For the right kind of woman [Verse]
E7 E I would make her queen on a throne E7 E If she promised to be mine alone E7 And I′d give her
everything that I own
A A7 For the right kind of woman [Chorus]
D The right kind of woman E A C# F#m The right kind of woman loving me B7 To make it all get better E E7 Set my troubles free [Verse]
A I would give her

my love every day

(keep on giving)
I mean every word that

I say (keep on giving)
There is nothing to

keep me away
E From the right kind of woman [Bridge]
E7 And I'm searching as
hard as I can

(keep on searching)
E7 For the one to fit
into my plans

(keep on searching)
E7 For I could be
a much better man
A With the right kind of woman E I could be a much better man A With the right kind of woman [Outro]
A (Keep on searching) (Keep on searching) A E7 (Keep on searching) (Keep on searching)

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