Half Of Forever Chords by Henrik

Chords Info

  • Tuning: Standard(E A D G B E)
  • Key: A
  • Chords: F#m, A, E, D
  • BPM: 77
  • Suggested Strumming:
  • D= Down Stroke, U = Upstroke, N.C= No Chord
Guitar ChordsUkulele Chords
 F#m – 244222
A – x02220
E- 022100
D – xx0232
  F#m – xx0232
A – 2100
E- 1402
D – 2220
Half Of Forever

Track Info

  • Song: Half Of Forever
  • Artist: Henrik
  • Released Date: 5 January 2024
F#m A
F#m Honey I know mm mm A Wherever you go mm mm E I'd give up

half of forever
D I'd give up

half of forever uh oh
F#m They don't know A They never will What we have E And how we feel They can't take this love
F#m Clouds will come A Come with rain And we'll grow old E Old and grey But we're not bound by time
and spa-a-a-a-a-ace
F#m Honey I know mm mm A Wherever you go mm mm E I'd give up

half of forever
D I'd give up

half of forever
F#m Offer me up,

I'm yours
A All of my love,

I'm sure
E I'd give up

half of forever
D I'd give up

half of forever
Just to be with you F#m Ooh ooh ooh A Just to be with you Ooh ooh ooh E Just to be with you Ooh ooh ooh ooh

ooh ooh ooh
D I'd give up

half of forever
F#m Just to be with you [Verse]
F#m So baby be mine

when the sun sets
A Til the day that

it doesn't come up yea
E Run away til

our lungs give up
D I'll breathe your air

til I turn to the dust
F#m Honey I know mm mm A Wherever you go mm mm E I'd give up

half of forever
D I'd give up

half of forever
F#m Offer me up,

I'm yours
A All of my love,

I'm sure
E I'd give up

half of forever
D I'd give up

half of forever
Just to be with you F#m Ooh ooh ooh A Just to be with you Ooh ooh ooh E Just to be with you Ooh ooh ooh

ooh ooh ooh ooh
D I'd give up

half of forever
F#m Just to be with you [Outro]
F#m Honey I know mm mm A Wherever you go mm mm E I'd give up

half of forever
D I'd give up

half of forever
Just to be with you

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