Heartbeat Of America Chords by Billy Strings

Chords Info

  • Tuning: Standard(E A D G B E)
  • Key: Bm
  • Chords: Bm, Em, Asus4, A, D, C, G, F, Bm7, Dm7
  • Suggested Strumming:
  • D= Down Stroke, U = Upstroke, N.C= No Chord
Heartbeat Of America

Track Info

  • Song: Heartbeat Of America
  • Artist: Billy Strings
  • Released Date: 24 December 2021
Bm Em Bm Asus4 A Bm Bm Em Bm D Bm Em Bm D Bm Em Bm D D C G D D C G D D C G D C A Bm Em Bm D Bm Em Bm D D C G D D C G D C G D C A Bm Bm Em Bm D Bm Em Bm D D C G D D C G D D C G D C A Bm Em Bm D Bm Em Bm D C G D C G D C G C A F D Bm Bm
Bm [Verse]
Bm7 Well I was walking down
the street just the other day
Bm I had a double headed nickel
and a bill to pay
Bm There was bubblegum

a'blistered on the hot cement
Bm And I was waiting like

patience on a monument
Bm Well I rolled a little spliff

and tightened up my shoes
Bm And I went to the corner where
I lit the fuse
Bm Disgusted by the loneliness
I couldn't lose
Bm I sat and wrote a little verse
to the 'rona blues
Bm7 I said I always wanna do

the things I used to do
Bm But everybody got a job

and works enough for two
Bm7 We could have a little party

at the end of the day
Bm But everybody had a family

and moved away
Bm So I'm sitting with a paper

soakin' on my tongue
Bm And feeling better than

I did back when I was young
Bm7 Now I'm seeing music

that nobody else can see
Bm With all the colors like

a symphony surrounding me
Bm [Ending]
Bm Em Bm D Bm Em Bm D Bm Em Bm D Bm G Dm7 F

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