Small Town Talk Chords by RVSHVD

Chords Info

  • Tuning: Standard(E A D G B E)
  • Key: A
  • Capo: 2nd freet
  • Chords: G, Em, D, C, Am
  • BPM:
  • Suggested Strumming:
  • D= Down Stroke, U = Upstroke, N.C= No Chord
Guitar ChordsUkulele Chords
 G – 320003
Em – 022000
D – xx0232
C – x32010
Am – x02210
  G – 0232
Em – 0402
D – 2220
C – 0003
Am – 2000
Small Town Talk

Track Info

  • Song: Small Town Talk
  • Artist: RVSHVD
  • Released Date: 3 November 2023
G [Verse]
G The way I was raised up,

I don't really say a lot
Em I keep my mouth shut,

a man's word is all he's got
D So if you've got to know the ins and
outs of all of my life story
Head down to Georgia [Chorus]
G And let my small town talk,

it'll tell you all about me
Them old grade school walks,

chalkboards full of memories
D I learned right from wrong,

to keep my word no matter
what it costs (hmm)
G From that red brick church,

where I finally came to Jesus
Em To that cold red dirt,

where grandma's resting peacful
D In a hundred years,

I can try but
ain't no way to say it all
G So let my small town talk [Verse]
G Out on main steet,

you still see them tire marks
Em I was eighteen,

she was the first to break my heart
D Drank a fifth of Jack in daddy's Cadillac,
it dang near killed me
And I still can't take the feeling [Chorus]
G So let my small town talk,

it'll tell you all about me
Em Them old grade school walks,

chalkboards full of memories
D I learned right from wrong,

to keep my word
no matter what it costs (hmm)
G From that red brick church,

where I finally came to Jesus
Em To that cold red dirt,

where grandma's resting peacful
D In a hundred years,

I can try but
ain't no way to say it all
[Bridge] Em So let my small town talk D Once in a while I take
a drive just to remind me
Am So if you're trying to find me [Chorus]
G Let my small town talk,

it'll tell you all about me
Em Them old grade school walks,

chalkboards full of memories
D I learned right from wrong,
to keep my word no matter

what it costs
G From that red brick church,

where I finally came to Jesus
Em To that cold red dirt,

where grandma's resting peacful
D In a hundred years,

I can try but
ain't no way to say it all
G So let my small town talk Em Let my small town talk D Let my small town talk C Let my small town talk End on A

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