Chords Info
- Tuning: Standard(E A D G B E)
- Key: Am
- Chords: Am, E, Dm, C, G, B7
- BPM: 142
- Suggested Strumming:
- D= Down Stroke, U = Upstroke, N.C= No Chord
Guitar Chords | Ukulele Chords |
Am – x02210 E – 022100 Dm – xx0231 C – x32010 G – 320003 B7 – x21202 | Am – 2000 E – 1402 Dm – 2210 C – 0003 G – 0232 B7 – 3210 |

Track Info
- Song: Oompa Loompa
- Artist: Hugh Grant
- Released Date: 8 December 2023
Am E Am E Am E [Chorus]
Am Dm Oompa loompa doompety doo Dm Am E I've got a little bonus for you Am Dm Sit back down and stay in your seat Dm Am E For a last oompa-loomparous treat [Verse]
Dm C Abacus Crunch returned to his home Dm G Benz to her friends,
Lottie Bell to her phones Dm G C Brave Larry made a triumphant comeback B7 E One day, his ex wife saw the act N.C. Laughed a lot and took him back [Chorus]
Am Dm Oompa loompa doompety day Dm Am But what of Mrs. Scrubbit and
Bleacher, you say? Am E Am Dm Give me just a moment or two Am E Am And I’ll oompa loompa show it to you [Outro]
Am Uh, I do beg your pardon Am What is wrong with
this infernal machine? E Am I'll show it to you N.C. There, much better
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