So I Chords by Charli XCX

Chords Info

  • Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)
  • Chords: D, Em, A, G
  • Suggested Strumming:
  • D= Down Stroke, U = Upstroke, N.C= No Chord
Guitar ChordsUkulele Chords
 D – xx0232
Em – 022000
A – x02220
G – 320003
  D – 2220
Em – 0402
A – 2100
G – 0232
D [Chorus]
Em D A Always on my mind

(Every day, every night)
D A G Your star burns so bright

(Why did I push you away?)
Em D A I was scared sometimes D A G You had a power like a lightning strike Em D A When I'm on stage sometimes I lied Saying that I like singing
these songs you left behind
And I know you always said:
Em D A
"It's okay to cry"
D A So I know I can cry, I can cry,
so I cry
Em D A Wish I tried to pull you closer D A G You pushed me hard, made me focus Em D A Your words, brutal, loving, truthful D A G I was petrified Em D A You're a hero and a human D A Track was done,
I'd make excuses
Em D A You'd say: "Come on,

stay for dinner"
D A G I said: "No, I'm fine"
(Now I really wish I stayed)
Em D A Always on my mind

(Every day, every night)
D A G Your star burns so bright

(Why did I push you away?)
Em D A I was scared sometimes D You had a power like
a lightning strike
Em D A When I'm on stage sometimes I lied D Saying that I like singing these songs
you left behind
And I know you always said:
Em D A
"It's okay to cry"
D A So I know I can cry, I can cry,
so I cry
Em D A Guilty feelings keep me fractured D A G Got a phone call after Christmas Em D A Didn't know how

I should act
D A G I watched you dance online Em D A Your sounds, your words live on, endless D A G When I make songs,

I remember
Em D A Things you'd suggest,

"Make it faster"
D A G Would you like this one?
(Maybe just a little bit?)
Em D A Always on my mind

(Every day, every night)
D A G Your star burns so bright

(Why did I push you away?)
Em D A I was scared sometimes D You had a power like
a lightning strike
Em D A When I'm on stage sometimes I lied D Saying that I like singing these songs
you left behind
And I know you always said:
Em D A
"It's okay to cry"
D A So I know I can cry, I can cry,
so I cry
Em D A D A G I, I, Em D A D A G I, I, Em D A D A G I, Em D A D A G

Track Info

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